Shape-inspired Architecture Design
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games

We introduce a method to design architectural buildings that are inspired by shapes of non-architectural forms. The user inputs a few binary images, each providing an indicative shape for the building from a different viewpoint. A discrete visual hull corresponding to each binary image is generated. A voxel model is then constructed by intersecting the hulls corresponding to the images. The shape of the voxel model depends on the parameters of the projections. Real buildings must also obey some topological and structural constraints. We develop a shape metric to evaluate a given design in terms of topological, functional and structural requirements of the building. This allows us to optimize the building shape as a function of the parameters of the projection. The optimization problem is solved by means of an improved cuckoo search metaheuristic. The resulting voxel model is converted into a mesh model. Finally, we apply a novel smoothing algorithm that produces a smooth surface while preserving sharp creases and roof structures. Several examples are presented in the paper to illustrate the methodology and results.